Artificial intelligence AI applications for marketing: A literature-based study

Nowadays he helps connect higher education with tools that build the best online experience for prospective students. The new direction is for chatbots to incorporate natural language models (NLMs) that allow for personalized communication agile enough to answer difficult and unexpected questions. Companies like Haptik and Drift are already developing this technology to see if […]

Artificial Intelligence for Finance

For example, AI can create invoices, analyze financial data, generate reports, and identify patterns and anomalies that suggest accounting fraud. These services can help businesses save money and improve their financial reports’ accuracy and timeliness. The finance and accounting industry has progressed from basic financial reporting and payroll to various paradigms actively participating in forward-thinking […]

An Intro to AI Image Recognition and Image Generation

While this is not particularly hard to implement, there is much to learn from precisely understanding how the classifier works. An edge in an image is essentially a discontinuity (or a sharp change) in the pixel intensity values of an image. You must have witnessed edge detection at play in software like Kingsoft WPS or […]

Streamlabs Cloudbot Guides & Tips

If you want to know more head over to the about page for the origin story. Bots are incredibly useful moderating software (robots), which help keep your chat in check and update everyone on important information. Your bot can also engage your chat in mini games, manage song requests and so much more. It offers […]